Thursday, October 22, 2015

Work? Family?

We've been through so much together.  We've lost parents together, and spouses and boyfriends and even one of our own.

We've had tragedies.  Someone was shot.  Someone we care about did something unthinkable.   We've lost homes to tornados and had cancer scares.

We've celebrated birthdays, new babies, weddings, graduations and new jobs.  We've said goodbye to some who were a part of us as they've gone on to bigger and better things.

It's unusual, I think, the family I've found in my employees/co-workers.  The support, the love, the weird butt slaps and inside jokes (she need trainin') that somehow are all ok because we get each other.

The flowers I received on the first anniversary of my mother's death, letting me know they knew it would be a hard day.

The notes I've received from several employees that have lifted my spirits and made me believe that maybe I make a difference, even though I'm "just a restaurant manager"

The dinners, the drinks, football and wings, dressing up for Halloween, homemade christmas gifts and our christmas party.  All of these things I think about when I count my blessings for having such a great workplace.

I get sad when I think if those who will leave me, and how one day, things won't be the same.  There will be new faces and although I will grow to love them, there is something about this bunch that just clicks.  That just makes work feel like home.

I don't know what brought this to mind except that we are going through something hard once again.  And my phone goes off as I chat with them about this, as we try to make sense of things. Our hearts have been broken together and healed again so many times.  There is nothing like my blue plate family.

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