Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This old house...

We have lived in our current house for over eleven years.  We bought a house when we had no money.  It was perfect for the small family of three we were then.  We had a three month old and didn't know what we were doing, not in parenting, not in life.

I have loved it, I have hated it.  I have wished desperately to move, and I have dreamed of growing old here.

We have recently done some work to the house, and have decided that it is the time to try to move into something more suitable for a family of our size.  Our three kids and three dogs have completely outgrown the small space.

And while I am excited to think of something new, and have fallen in love with a few houses already, part of me is sad.

This house has seen three boys being raised.  It has seen sleepless nights with a newborn, with me pacing the floors and rocking and praying for sleep.

It has withstood the abuse we have put it through- rough boys running down the halls, playing baseball, football and nerf guns.  Tracking in dirt and grass and mud, even sand from the sandbox.

It has seen the worst parts of my marriage and the best parts.  The fights, the tears and the love.

It has seen girl's nights with wine on the porch and date nights with my husband.

It has seen family dinners when everyone comes over and we eat and enjoy each other's company.

It has hosted Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last several years, which are my favorite times of the year.

It has seen my greatest joys- my children being born, graduating college, getting better jobs, and my greatest heartaches- losing my grandmother and then my mom.

My favorite times have been in this house, surrounded by my family.  I have memories of my mother in this house.  

We bought this house and we had no idea what we were doing.  We grew in this house- me, jimmy and the boys.  This is where our family grew.  And no matter where we go from here,  this house will always have my heart.