Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Vacationing with kids...

My husband and I had an argument the first time we took our kids on a vacation.  He said when you have kids with you, it's a "trip", not a "vacation" because you don't get a break from life, because you still have the kids.  I disagreed and said it was still a vacation because there is joy in seeing your kids experience things.

I'll never forget when he saw chris's joy at jumping  through the waves in the ocean.  My husband turned to me and said, "It's a vacation"

This week, I bravely took my three boys to Chattanooga for 4 days. (btw, it was one day too long).

Was it a trip?  or a vacation?

I'd have to say... a little bit of both.  There were plenty of times when I thought something along the lines of, "What in the name of sweet baby Jesus was I thinking bringing these little brats here, by myself,for 4 days?!?!?!"

And there were times that I saw the joy they were experiencing and I was so glad we came.  Times when they were so sweet to each other.  Times when they said "thank you for this trip".  Times when we giggled over what will surely be jokes for a long time. (like Drew mistakenly calling the gnomes at rock city zombies or ninjas)

These are the moments that will be remembered.  I will forget that Drew got 4 spankings today.  That he threw such a fit while I was on the phone, I had to hang up and make the call later.  That Chris picked on Luke, and Luke was dramatic about everything.  That Luke and Drew were tired of walking.  That Drew begged to go to the pool, and then immediately decided he didn't want to swim when we got there.

I'll just remember the fun, and the three of them giggling over some video game in the bed next to mine.  Now that I think of it, it sounds like a vacation after all.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I've posted before about my girlfriends and how much they mean to me.  But I'm going to again because this is my blog and I do what I want.

When I started working at my first job 17 (!!!!) years ago, I didn't have girlfriends.  I mean, I had girls who were my friends, who I talked to and hung out with, but not true girlfriends.  I had guy friends.  Not. the. same.

About 15 years ago, I made friends with 3 of the best girls.   We became close very quickly, and if you had told me we would still be friends now, I would have
said, "duh".

But our friendships haven't always been solid.  I was the first to pull away. Unexpected pregnancy.  Unexpected marriage.  Instead of leaning on them, I pulled away.  I felt different, out of their circle.  They lived on the other end of town. I was tired.  We drifted.

But the beauty of it all is that when I showed up, crying on a doorstep years later, I was met with open arms.

Each of these girls have other sets of super close girlfriends.  I have other friends (some I would love to be closer to, but... life) but none like them.  They mean the world to me.

The things we have been through.  Pregnancy.  Marriage.  Divorce.  Breakups.  Health scares.  Deaths. Things I can't even mention here.

And they show up. They drive for hours to help each other move.  They bring food and wine.  They plant gardens and come to funerals.  They listen.  and read (texts).  They agonize over decisions, and support
even when they disagree.

I think of all the things we still have to go through, and I am blessed to know I have them. I am just as excited to grow old with them as I am to grow old with my husband. I may not speak to them daily  or even weekly, but they are only a doorstep away.

*Update: I went back a read my last post about my friends.  almost exactly the same.  oh well, I love my bitches.