Saturday, June 20, 2015

It wasn't me this time...

Drew is potty trained.  He was absolutely the most difficult of my 3 kids to finally get trained, and it didn't happen until he was 3.  He still can't make it through the night.  I may never stop buying diapers/pull-ups.

Lately, he has started having accidents again.  Not just when he is sleeping, but throughout the day.  And sometimes, I find pee spots without finding wet clothes so I kinda feel like he is just dropping his pants and pissing every where at random.

I think he utilizes a tactic called "Revenge Pee".  I'm pretty sure it goes like this:  Drew is a little shit.  Drew gets in trouble.  Drew gets spanked/yelled at/sent to his room.  After screaming for 4,567 hours, he thinks, "I'll show them", walks over to the closet and just pees in the floor.  It's like having a puppy around the house all over again.

Speaking of puppies, the other night I didn't sleep well.  The dogs were restless and just kept waking me up.  They never whined or seemed to need to go outside, so I just kept telling them to shut up (not really effective) and trying to go back to sleep.

I guess the constant interruption in my sleep made me have a weird dream that I thought was real, and I woke up at 3:00 thinking I heard someone in my house.  Instead of waking up my husband, I decided, stupidly, to investigate on my own (Truthfully, if there was an intruder, I'd probably be dead before I got him awake and alert enough to understand what was going on).  I found nothing, so headed to the bathroom before I attempted sleep again.

So I am sitting in the dark, taking care of business, exhausted, with my head in my hands, when I look up and see a dark figure standing in the door way.   Holy mother of pearl it scared the crap out of me (luckily I am on a toilet.  ok, terrible joke),  My husband had been woken up by my adventure, and was innocently headed to the bathroom and for a split second, I thought I was dead.

Needless to say, I didn't really sleep well for the rest of the night.  The dogs settled down, but my heart just never recovered.  When it was time to get ready for work, I discovered a nice fresh puddle of pee in my closet!  As I am cleaning it up, I am cursing the dogs because I know it has to be one of them because of their restlessness the night before.

Drew wakes up and comes in the room.  He asks what I am doing and I explain that I am cleaning up pee.  He looks up and says, "But Mom!  It wasn't me this time!!".